Medan Magnet Bumi: Kutub Utara Menerima Lebih Banyak Tenaga

New research expands role of Bumi magnetic field. In addition to protecting Bumi from harmful charged particles in incoming solar wind, it also controls how the tenaga generated (by charged particles in solar winds) is distributed between two the poles. There is northern preference meaning more energy is diverted to magnetic north pole than magnetic south pole. 

Bumi’s magnetic field, formed due to flow of superheated liquid iron in the outer core of Bumi below 3000 km from the surface plays very important role in our life. It deflects the stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun away from the Bumi thus shielding life from the harmful effects of ionising angin suria.   

When the electrically charged particles in the solar wind flows in the atmosphere, they generate energy. This terrestrial electromagnetic energy is hitherto understood to be symmetrically distributed between north and south poles. However, new research using the data from the Swarm satellite in polar low-Bumi orbit (LEO) at an altitude of around 450 km, has shown that this is not the case. The energy is preferentially distributed to the north pole. This asymmetry of northern preference means more of terrestrial electromagnetic energy heads towards magnetic north pole than towards magnetic south pole.   

Medan magnet bumi Oleh itu, juga memainkan peranan dalam pengedaran dan penyaluran tenaga elektromagnet daratan (dijana akibat kemasukan zarah bercas elektrik) di atmosfera.   

Sinaran mengion dalam suria angin diketahui berpotensi menyebabkan kerosakan pada rangkaian komunikasi, sistem navigasi berasaskan satelit dan grid elektrik. Pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang bumi medan magnet akan membantu dalam merancang keselamatan dan perlindungan terhadap angin suria.  



1. Pakhotin, IP, Mann, IR, Xie, K. et al. Keutamaan utara untuk input tenaga elektromagnet darat daripada cuaca angkasa. 08 Januari 2021. Alam Komunikasi jilid 12, Nombor artikel: 199 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20450-3  

2. ESA 2021. Aplikasi: Tenaga daripada angin suria memihak kepada utara. Diterbitkan pada 12 Januari 2021. Tersedia dalam talian di https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Swarm/Energy_from_solar_wind_favours_the_north Diakses pada 12 Januari 2021.  


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